paginate-filter-pictureDuo Ultra Grey 25 IGU

Duo Ultra™High Performance IGU

High performing IGU’s for superior energy performance, comfort and noise control


A high performance insulated glass unit (IGU) range combining exceptional solar control with low U-Values. For neutral tones, select either Neutral 50 or Neutral 70 options providing high levels of visible light transmission or for a grey tone, select Grey 35. Duo Ultra™ units have as standard, new generation low-E glass technology for improved performance over standard single and IGU's. 

Duo Ultra Grey 25 IGUpaginate-filter-pictureNational Glass
Duo Ultra Neutral 50 IGUpaginate-filter-pictureNational Glass
Duo Ultra Neutral 50 Stormsafe IGU - JCU Townsvillepaginate-filter-pictureNational Glass
Duo Ultra Neutral 50 IGUpaginate-filter-pictureNational Glass
  • Exceptional performance in reducing summer heat gain and winter heat loss;
  • High visible light transmission with low SHGC (for solar control);
  • Safety toughened glass as standard with additional UV blocking and noise reduction options.

Residential and commercial glazing to meet any of either energy, noise, safety and security requirements.


  • Duo Ultra™ units are a higher energy performing product combining new generation ‘sputter coat’ low-E glass and is available as two glass coating types, Neutral 70 & Neutral 50;
  • Neutral 70 coated glass offers high visible light transmission of 70% with low SHGC (solar control) of 0.35 whilst Neutral 50 offers moderate visible light transmission of 50% with a very low SHGC of 0.25. Option of Grey and other colour tones also available.


3 levels of options / upgrades are available across both Neutral 70 & 50 coating types;

L0 – Energy – Safety

Basic level high performance glazing with toughened safety glass as standard

L1- Energy- Safety- UV

Upgrade performance with addition of a laminated safety glass for added UV protection

L2- Energy- Safety- UV-Noise

Upgrade performance with addition of an Acousta™ noise reduction laminated safety glass panel

Maximum Size – 4500mm x 2700mm

Minimum Size – 350mm x 180mm

Glass thickness for Neutral 70 & 50 in both 6mm and 8mm toughened or heat strengthened only

Spacer widths – 8,10,12,14,16,20mm

*subject to glass types and design specifications.

Neutral 70 & 50 low-E coated glass is by default positioned on surface #2 of the IGU (coating facing inside of the cavity). When compared to ordinary single glazing, IGU’s can introduce some added complexities in relation to selection of glass types, manufacture and installation. IGU’s can also present issues relating to acceptable visual faults. For more information (Download)

  • Select Duo Ultra™ IGU Neutral 70 or Neutral 50. For Grey tone select Grey 35.
  • Select appropriate overall thickness and glass types - Eg. 24mm IGU consisting of 6mm Neutral 70 #2 toughened/12mm argon/6mm toughened glass. For Neutral 70 & 50 coated glass, select either toughened, toughened heat soaked or heat strengthened glass depending on application;
  • All glass to be selected and installed in accordance but not exclusively to the following Australian Standards;

AS 1288 Glass in buildings – Selection and installation

AS 2208 Safety glazing materials in buildings

AS 4666 Insulating glass units

AS/NZS 4667 Quality requirements for cut-to-size and processed glass

AS 1170 Wind & Structural Design Actions



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